Sunday, 27 February 2011

Nothing of Any Real Importance

It's been a mixed week one way or another.  Last Sunday, Jane and I went to the markets as usual.  We visit two - the first where we buy our meat, sensational sausages and lovely fresh fish.  Then we head off to the second where we buy our fresh fruit and veges (more variety and a little cheaper than the first place) and organic yoghurt.  However, before all that we have breakfast and a browse around the bric a brac area.

Anyway last week I wanted some meat.  I had it in my head that a roast of wagyu beef and a pork porterhouse sounded pretty good.  Jane also wanted some meat for her family of growing boys so we organised our purchases and left them to be picked up after we'd had a look around.  It was only about 10 minutes later that we decided to collect our meat and head off to the second lot of markets.  

After stowing our purchases in the eskies, complete with ice bricks, we drove the 15 minutes to the other markets, had breakfast and coffee, looked around and finally after buying our weekly necessities went home.  I lugged all my stuff inside and proceeded to put it away, except for the wagyu roast which I would just keep in the fridge and cook up later on in the day...except, when I looked in the plastic bag my beef and pork roasts had morphed into a frozen chook for which I had paid just under $40.  That was one hell of an expensive chook and to add insult to injury, it was smaller than the one I already had in the freezer!

To cut a long story short, I returned the chook today, showed my receipt and picked up the meat I had originally bought.  So...roast tonight and a cold beef and salad sandwich tomorrow...a week later from when I originally intended to have it, however, all's well that ends well.

* * * * * * * *
Some days ago, we had a full moon.  I love looking at full moons but for some unfathomable reason I don't sleep well during the two or so days the moon's influence is at its strongest.  Don't ask me why...I have no idea, however a psychiatrist might have a great time with that one!

I was complaining to Ken about this phenomenon.  He just sat there looking at me with an unreadable look on his face and when I'd finished, said:

"Never mind.  You just go outside tonight and howl at the moon and you'll feel better..." Gee, thanks, Ken.

With friends like him, who needs enemies.

* * * * * * * *

The garden is looking incredibly overgrown at the moment so yesterday, while Jane was whizzing around the lawn on the ride on, I was snipping, chopping and slashing at rampant vines and uncontrolled growths.  I looked with satisfaction at the huge pile of cuttings I had created, stepped back to admire my handiwork and realised I'd only done a fraction of what was an hour.  Back out to it today.  Give me a month and I might have it finished...only to have to start all over again.  The thing is, because it's so hot and humid, it's diabolical working in the middle of the day and I prefer to garden in the evenings.  Unfortunately, we don't get twilights here, the sun goes down and it's as if someone's turned the light's dark, so rather pointless continuing on.  One of the mild inconveniences of living where I do...

* * * * * * * *

And for the's a photo of Bella the secretary cat sleeping on the job or talking on the mobile phone...take your pick.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Starting Over

As you can see, my blog has undergone a radical change.  This came about because a couple of weeks ago my computer had a broken profile...whatever that is.  Consequently, I lost stuff, photos, internet access, etc.  The only apps and programmes I had on the computer were the original defaults.  Not good, I though, panicking,

However, I rang my tame computer geek and explained the problem.  "Oh," says he,  "It'll all be there somewhere."  I felt my heart rate slowly go back to normal.  When he arrived later in the day, sure enough after a few keystrokes and mouse wanders, everything was there on my desktop.  However, it did leave me with one rather large problem.  My passwords for Blogger and Facebook would work.  That has required setting both up from scratch again...hence my new look blog.  I hope you like it.

Now all I have to do is transfer you all over...that may take some time.